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Project Overview

Key facts


Type of Action

Horizon Europe Research and Innovation Actions

November 2024 – October 2027

18 Partners across 7 countries

Maastricht University
Total Budget


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Ambrosia aims to enable for the first time a holistic, systemic approach to food safety risk assessment across the supply chain in view of climate change models with the use of digital technologies, including AI. Such AI-based solutions, will play a significant role in providing predictive risk analytics, monitoring, decision support and will propose adaptation measures.


Ambrosia brings together distinguished, highly experienced scientists in Europe in climate modelling, food safety and risk assessment. It brings onboard significant expertise on the use of digital technologies in food safety/agriculture to develop more advanced tools for widespread dissemination of mitigation /adaptation measures.


Bridging the knowledge of the climate change effects on food safety and improving the risk assessment methodology and tools, Ambrosia co-creates smart solutions to tackle climate change impact in 4 major biogeographical regions as demonstrators (Atlantic, Boreal, Continental and Mediterranean) across seven countries ensuring a wide coverage and assessment of the uptake of the results.



Improved understanding of the medium to longer-term climate change impacts concerning food safety; Identification, development and widespread dissemination of mitigation and adaptation measures to reduce/prevent climate change-related food safety risks (individual and cumulative risks).

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Expected Results




A Food Safety risk assessment methodology

Risk models for 4 biogeographical regions in Europe

Climate Impact Models




User friendly platform for food producers and processors

Ambrosia Innovation Hub

Sustainable, healthy, and inclusive food systems

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Funded by the European Union emblem logo
Project coordination

Christopher Brewster

Project framework

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement 101181300.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Research Executive Agency (REA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

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