Ambrosia Innovation Hub
The Ambrosia Innovation Hub (AIH) will organize specialized workshops on the use of the Ambrosia platform, and provide a hub for sharing of expertise, experiences and best practices. AIH will facilitate the collaboration between stakeholders from all over Europe organising clustering activities with relevant research projects and initiatives, while encouraging the exchange of knowledge, data and best practices. Synergies with local start-ups ecosystems will also enable greater opportunities for the uptake of the Ambrosia technologies. A showcase of success stories in the EU will be included, describing how they managed to produce sufficient, safe, nutritious, sustainable food for all by decreasing food safety risks in local food systems. The Hub will be open to external food safety start-ups, SMEs, innovators and researchers, who would like to be part of it, exchanging ideas, knowledge and data on the development of novel food safety solutions. Experiences and new solutions among young entrepreneurs will be shared, further enhancing innovation capacity in addressing the effects of climate change on food safety across food systems.